Monday, August 9, 2010

No photoResveratrol as the new anti-aging pill? Wine not!
CONSUMERLINE By Ching M. Alano (The Philippine Star) Updated November 10, 2009  

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Illustration by REY RIVERA
Resvera what? Not too long ago, a very absorbing research found that resveratrol was able to prolong the life span of yeast cells (NutraIngredients, Sept. 2009). Soon, this powerful polyphenol was on everyone’s lips. Polyphenol is a set of compound chemicals found in many foods from fruits to vegetables, cocoa, dark chocolate, and even wine, each with specific health benefits to improve the body’s overall health.
Studies in nematode worms, fruit flies, fish, and mice link resveratrol to longer lives. Other studies with only resveratrol report anti-cancer effects, anti-inflammatory effects, cardiovascular benefits, anti-diabetes potential, energy endurance enhancement, and protection against Alzheimer’s. So, who needs an anti-aging pill when you have resveratrol?
And you don’t have to look far for this wonder anti-aging, anti-fungal chemical because it’s right there in the grapes that you love to nibble (don’t peel it please, because it is in the skin where the benefits are concentrated) and the red wine that you sip maybe at social functions or even during mealtime at home. Oui, it’s what’s called the French paradox — the French have a low incidence of heart disease and obesity, despite the fact that their diet is rich in saturated fats. Would you believe that they eat four times more butter than Americans, 60-percent more cheese, and thrice as much pork? But all that fat is not making them fat. This is probably due to the French’s high red wine consumption. Let’s drink to that!

According to experts, resveratrol does look promising. It’s no wonder that GlaxoSmithKline is cashing in on it. It recently purchased Sirtris for nearly three quarters of a billion dollars. Sirtris is deep at work to develop an anti-aging resveratrol pill, a drug that could slow down all diseases. If that happens, it will surely make the juiciest bit of news the world over.

Of course, this is not to say that we should just nosh on grapes and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Don’t just sit there, exercise and do something!
And no sourgraping please!

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